Februar je mjesec ljubavi, pa tako i kod šumskih sova (Strix aluco), kada se mužjak udvara ženki i nastoji je impresionirati raznim pokretima kao što su podizanje i lepetanje krila, njihanje, širenje perja i stvaranje različitih zvukova. Ženka procjenjuje njegovo ponašanje i odgovara širenjem perja.
Par šumske sove koji se vezao ostaje zajedno do kraja života, njihova ljubav je vječna. O mladima se brinu oba roditelja dok ne postanu dovoljno jaki da napuste gnijezdo i osamostale se.
U Bosni i Hercegovini šumske sove su zaštićene Zakonom o zaštiti prirode i Zakonom o lovstvu. Žive u šumama, a ponekad i u većim parkovima ili se u nedostatku prirodnih staništa gnijezde i na tavanima kuća ili čak u dimnjacima.
February is the month of love, even for tawny owls (Strix aluco), when the male courts the female and tries to impress her with various movements such as raising and flapping his wings, swinging, puffing out feathers and making various sounds. The female evaluates his behavior and responds by puffing out feathers.
A pair of tawny owls that are tied up stay together for the rest of their lives, their love is eternal. The young are tended to by both parents until they grow strong enough to leave the nest and become independent.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, tawny owls are protected by the Law on Nature Protection and the Law on Hunting. They live in forests, and sometimes in larger parks or in the absence of natural habitats, they also nest in the attics of houses or even in chimneys
izvor: fb / Ornitološko društvo Naše ptice